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Reading Glasses Etc

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Rockin Old School

Feelin Old? Just embrace it!
Little Feat, "Old Folks Boogie"

Share Your Fun Stuff and Get Stuff!

Rhonda and I are looking for people that would like to share their creativity with us at ReadingGlassesEtc.com. If you think that you are funny, have a funny or weird eyeglasses story, or some unusual glasses related pics, we will reward you. This is a great way to have some fun and get something cool for yourself, or as a gift for someone else. Tis the season!

Check it out! 

Peter Gabriel - In Your Eyes

Peter Gabriel performs in Italy in1994. "The Secret Lives Tour"
Does "In Your Eyes" make you want to stand outside holding a boom box over your head?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Tats for literacy. Read more or else!
From: BoingBoing

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Zombie Eyeball Drink

It's the time of year for Zombie Eyeball drinks. Yum!
Source: Neatorama
Check out the recipes for this and other very scary drinks at CelebrationGeneration

Creators of ComputerEyed Bifocals - the Interview

Rhonda and I had a short conversation with Dave and Joan Grossman, the creators of ComputerEyed bifocal readers and the Go Green recycled readers. They make really great products and we have been their supporters going on for a couple of years now. They, like us, are mom-and-pop business owners who prefer to deal with small companies and individuals.

Read the interview.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

"Love is Blindness" -Cassandra Wilson

The always wonderful Cassandra Wilson performing U2's "Love is Blindness" in Warsaw, December 4th, 1996. Enjoy! 

Too Many Pictures of Cats with Glasses

Credit: eclipsephotography.ca

Like cats?
Like glasses?
Here are 45 pictures of cats with glasses.
At BuzzFeed. -Link

The History of Eyeglasses

Curator, David A. Fleishman M.D., has a great website devoted to the history of eyeglasses.  Have you ever wondered what eyeglasses used to look like way, way back in the day? Like pre 1286 AD?
There are lots of slide shows and image collections of eyeglass frames made out of rare materials like baleen, for example. This is a fun and interactive site for the spectacle-curious among you. -Link

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Submit A Link

Have any cool videos or links to items related to glasses or vision?
Have a comment or two?
Want to swap links?

Send your comments, links, or questions to-

Reading Glasses Blog

(Spammers will be dealt with severely!)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Gotta Wear Shades

Timbuk 3 "The Future's So Bright" -I gotta wear shades.
Its great what you can do with a basic video camera, some slick editing, no budget, and great lyrics. -link

A New Report from The Vision Council

Suffering from computer vision syndrome?

A new report from The Vision Council explains why.
The report, "Screens, Phones, Tablets and More: Keeping Your Eyes Safe in a Digital Age.”(pdf) determines that "70% of the U.S. population experiences some form of digital eyestrain, and only half of them are doing anything about it."

In addition to listing the symptoms, the report also lists solutions. “Eye-gonomics 101” illustrates the proper way to position yourself in front of a desktop computer as well as how to optimize viewing a hand-held device." The report concludes, “Take breaks, move away from the screen, and limit the amount of competing light. Increase your comfort with eyewear specifically designed for computer use. Special lenses help to lessen eye strain, allowing eyes—and you—to focus on the task at hand" -link

(Coming soon! Rhonda and I will be posting an interview we have with the founders of ComputerEyed, the creators of ComputerEyed Bifocals! -Stay tuned!)

October Re-Grand Opening Sale

Now till October 30th, Get 20% off all of our regularly priced reading glasses!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Phil Collins with BrandX

Did you know that Phil Collins used to play with a great band called BrandX?
Yes, he recorded some great and iconic ballads. The BrandX stuff is my favorite though,
because it showcased what I believe he really did well; -drums.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

RGE Blog's Music Club | VF Collins

[This is the first in a series of posts featuring our Vinyl Factory line of readers. We will follow each post with our favorite video from that particular artist. -Enjoy.]

The VF line is inspired by some of the greatest musicians of the last 50 years. With retro details, and cool features like guitar shaped temple ends, this line of frames really rocks.
Many of these styles come in small and very small sizes, which you have been asking us for, for a long while now.

These are very high quality frames, and are competitively pricey, but through October 31st, you can get them for 20% off and the Anti-reflective coating included for free! 

This week- VF Collins (Phil Collins) A small retro round metal frame with strap bridge. 38-27-134 available in 3 cool colors. Regular price- $199.00. (October Sale -20%= $159.20 with free AR coating)
VF Collins with Guitar Temples

Costume Eyewear for Halloween

Neatoshop.com  has a terrific collection of Halloween costumes for adults and kids including some really cool costume eyeglasses like this-
Oh so Spidey!

Optical Illusion Eyeglasses

And they have lots more! And, no, I cannot make lenses for any of these! Sorry.

(Rhonda and I love Neatorama and their store, Neatoshop and we think that it would be really neato if they had a affiliate program. Alas. Not yet.)

Eyeglasses | Vintage Video

This is a great vintage video from "Loveliness Laboratories" on how to choose (then) fashionable eyeglass frame styles and how eyeglass lenses used to be made.
The style half of this video is hilariously dated. The half dealing with eyeglass lens manufacturing is fascinating. Lenses used to be made primarily of crown glass, as shown. What is amazing is the shear amount of equipment, time, energy, and technicians it took to produce them. It looks like it was probably pretty close to smelting steel or creating new orcs, or something...

Some of the best images from the Hubble Telescope. After the lens was "repaired" during a shuttle mission, the images since, have been astounding, and have become iconic in our modern view of space.  

Funny Moments in Eyeglass History #1

The Opti-Grab The Jerk — MOVIECLIPS.com
"Optigrabs" From The Jerk with Steve Martin. A seemingly great invention for keeping your eyeglasses from slipping. (appears about halfway through the clip) It turns out later in the movie that it wasn't such a great idea after all.

It's Alive!


The Reading Glasses Etc Blog is Alive!

After a lot of tinkering, Third Eye was able to get Rhonda and I up and running. (Thanks Jay!)

OK, a blog about reading glasses? Well not exactly. This is a place where Rhonda and I can share some of our favorite links and articles related to reading, book reviews, eyeglasses, optics and random fun stuff from the world wide web. We will also be showcasing new and exciting products from readingglassesetc.com.

We hope you like it!
 Steve and Rhonda Mower 

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