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Reading Glasses Etc

Monday, March 4, 2013

Science Photo Winner-Fleyeglasses!

This is the winning photo of a German Science Photo competition. These eyeglasses were laser cut to the fly's 0.08-inch-wide (2-millimeter-wide) head! The lenses are obviously not corrective because there would have to be 3000 to 5000 of them. Based on that, I am going to assume that these are reading glasses. Nice style!
Link and h/t BoingBoing

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Peril Sensitive Sunglasses

Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses

Be Afraid. But Don't Panic.

Fans of the TV version of the wonderful Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy will remember these.
While the style may be a tad future-steam-punk, this is the type of useful technology I think we need today. Activated by encroaching danger, these darken to totally black, super-fast to prevent the wearer from witnessing whatever terrible thing is about to happen. Unfortunately these are not available in our collective time-line. Yet.


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